Monday, August 16, 2010

Google and Skype is also under threat blocked

India may be blocking Google's services and telephone messaging services and Internet-based Skype because of concerns about national security. Used for the same reasons as in the BlackBerry service. The report cites the minutes of the meeting on July 12, 2010 between security officials in the Ministry of Telecommunications of India with an association of operators.

"Previously there was consensus that there is more than one type of service that the road to the outside should be considered. Some of them are BlackBerry, Skype, Google and others," according to minutes from the ministry quoted by Reuters on Friday (13/08/2010) from the Financial Times newspaper reports. According to these minutes, it was decided that the first BlackBerry service followed and then another.

On Thursday, the Government of India became the latest countries that threaten to break the services of Research In Motion (RIM), as surel (email) and encrypted instant messaging service to BlackBerry, when a Canadian company is not taking action against national security issues.

India has set a deadline until August 31 this year to RIM. They want to access in a format that can be read on the BlackBerry communications encrypted, by reason of such communications may be misused by Islamic extremist groups. Pakistan-based guerrilla groups using cellular and satellite phone on the attack in Mumbai in 2008 which claimed 166 victims. Previously, RIM had proposed tracking emails without telling details of encryption, but it is still not enough for India.

India Requests submitted after the agreement with Saudi Arabia, which according to a source, RIM agreed to give authorities the code for BlackBerry Messenger users. United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, and Algeria also requested the same access

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